Results 1 - 5 of 5 Search Tips

Managing severe breathlessness in patients with end-stage COPD

10 October 2012

Nursing Standard


The disease trajectory in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be long and uncertain, making it difficult to identify when patients are at the end-stage...

Conservative management of patients with end-stage kidney disease

23 December 2019

Nursing Standard

end of life care

The prevalence of end-stage kidney disease is increasing, particularly among older people and those with multiple comorbidities. Typically, patients who develop...

Open AccessAnticipatory prescribing for end of life care: a survey of community nurses in England

Primary Health Care

evidence & practice

Anticipatory prescribing is increasingly common in the UK, yet little is known about nurses' roles in the process. As part of a wider study, a postal survey of 575...

Managing symptoms at the end of life: a guide for non-palliative care nurses

26 September 2022

Nursing Standard

end of life care

Nurses, regardless of their area of practice, may have to care for a person in their last days and hours of life. However, many nurses outside of specialist...

End of life care services for patients with heart failure

20 August 2014

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Heart failure has high incidence and prevalence in the UK. However, access to palliative care services for patients with heart failure is inequitable. Patients with...