Results 1 - 4 of 4 Search Tips

Implications for carers of terminally ill patients dying at home

18 September 2013

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Most terminally ill patients will express a wish to die at home. To achieve this, patients must rely on the support of family carers, who may experience emotional...

The preferred place of care for people who are dying

09 July 2009

Learning Disability Practice


This article considers the factors that influence where people with learning disabilities are cared for at the end of life, and where they die. It is based on the...

Family members’ and carers’ perceptions of palliative care provided by district nurses

16 October 2019

Primary Health Care

end of life

The aim of this literature review was to analyse the available evidence from families and carers of patients with life-limiting conditions to identify any...

Evaluating a palliative care education programme for domiciliary care workers

29 April 2020

Nursing Older People

Service evaluation

Background Many domiciliary care workers have reported low confidence and isolation when delivering end of life care in patients’ homes. Project Extension for...