Results 1 - 10 of 14 Search Tips

Managing advanced cancer: a case study

01 September 2002

Cancer Nursing Practice


The purpose of this article is to show how a patient presenting with advanced cancer can benefit from appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programmes within a...

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospice setting

01 November 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


There is much confusion and uncertainty about resuscitation within the field of palliative care. In the past, hospices adopted a blanket ‘no resuscitation’ policy...

Establishing specialist palliative care provision for care homes

01 March 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


As the British population ages, it is increasingly common for elderly patients with incurable chronic illness to die in care homes. Yet, residents of care homes have...

Symptom care flowcharts: a case study

01 February 2007

Paediatric Nursing


Parents who have a child with a life-limiting condition face the painful prospect of seeing their child’s health deteriorate and of becoming involved on a practical...

Palliative care education for community based nurses

01 May 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


A fundamental aim of the NHS Cancer Plan (2000) is to improve the experience of care for patients with cancer, an objective that is supported by an appropriately...

Gaining the views of service users in a specialist palliative day care setting

01 December 2005

Cancer Nursing Practice


Patient and public involvement in the assessment of palliative care services presents unique challenges. This article reports on the use of the nominal group...

The Therapeutic Use of Story-telling

01 April 2001

Paediatric Nursing


Jarvis (1992) writes that, ‘as reflective practitioners, nurses should be constantly seeking to learn from their practice, improving it and striving to become...

Developing palliative care services in partnership

01 April 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


Last month’s publication of the NICE guidance document, Improving Supportive and Palliative Care for Adults with Cancer, has re-emphasised the need to increase and...

The value of a hospital palliative care team to other staff

01 February 2006

Cancer Nursing Practice


A hospital palliative care team (HPCT) aims to provide specific advice, information and support for people with cancer in partnership with hospital consultants and...

Developing competence: an evaluation of a nurse rotation pilot programme

01 June 2007

Cancer Nursing Practice


The South East London Cancer Network Rotation Project established a rotation programme to provide nurses in cancer and palliative care with training across a range...