Results 1 - 7 of 7 Search Tips

death counts: the challenge of death and dying in learning disability services

01 December 2004

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

There’s nothing new in declaring that inequality and difference can characterise the lives of people with learning disabilities. However, it is novel to argue that...

Loss, bereavement and learning disabilities: providing a continuum of support

01 February 2005

Learning Disability Practice


This article explores the concept of loss in relation to the support of people with learning disabilities. With appropriate help they can develop strategies to...

Good practice in helping clients cope with terminal illness

01 July 2013

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

The Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities reviewed the deaths over a two-year period of all people with learning...

End-of-life care: making choices

01 September 2006

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

The population of people with learning disabilities is an ageing one, and its changing demographics challenge services that were originally developed for children...

The preferred place of care for people who are dying

09 July 2009

Learning Disability Practice


This article considers the factors that influence where people with learning disabilities are cared for at the end of life, and where they die. It is based on the...

Developing an end of life care pathway for people with learning disabilities through partnership working

17 March 2022

Learning Disability Practice

Dying well

There is ample evidence of inconsistencies in end of life care service provision for people with learning disabilities. In 2013, in response to the findings of the...

Challenges experienced by paid carers providing palliative care to adults with intellectual disabilities

18 June 2020

Learning Disability Practice

literature review

This article presents a literature review that was undertaken to explore the challenges experienced by paid carers when providing palliative care to adults with...