Accessory ossicles and sesamoid bones: recognition and treatment
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Accessory ossicles and sesamoid bones: recognition and treatment

Anthony Summers Nurse practitioner, Redlands Hospital emergency department, Cleveland, Queensland, Australia

Anthony Summers explains how emergency nurse practitioners can recognise two common bone variants in X-rays of the foot and ankle that are often mistaken for fracture

Accessory ossicles and sesamoid bones are normal variants of bone development. In foot and ankle X-rays these bones can appear similar to, or can obscure, fractures, which makes the X-rays difficult to interpret. This article illustrates and describes some of the more common ossicles and sesamoid bones, and provides a brief description of the management of the patients with foot or ankle pain whose X-rays are inconclusive.

Emergency Nurse. 22, 10, 27-32. doi: 10.7748/en.22.10.27.e1404


Peer review

This article has been subject to double blind peer review

Conflict of interest

None declared

Received: 05 December 2014

Accepted: 29 December 2014

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