A specialist adolescent self-harm service
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A specialist adolescent self-harm service

John McAlaney PhD Student, University of Paisley, Paisley;
Margo Fyfe Clinical Nurse SpecialistTTeam Leader, Adolescent Module, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Glasgow;
Maria Dale Practice Development Nurse, Adolescent Module, Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Glasgow.

Aim To investigate the scale of adolescent deliberate self-harm (DSH) presentations to accident and emergency (A&E) departments and minor injury units in Glasgow and to assess the success of the adolescent DSH service in accessing this group.

Method A retrospective case note analysis was carried out in collaboration with the Greater Glasgow Health Board, using a standardised proforma. The data collection focused on adolescents aged 12-17 years presenting with DSH during a ten-week period in 2002. The records of each presentation to A&E departments and minor injury units were examined, and follow-up medical records were obtained for those who had been admitted to a ward.

Results There were 86 recorded presentations of adolescent DSH during the study period. No significant relationships between age, sex, form of self-harm or any other variable recorded were found. Over half of those presenting were admitted to a ward, the majority of whom were subsequently referred to the DSH service. Those treated solely in A&E tended not to be referred.

Conclusion The findings of the study show that there are a significant number of young people who self-harm, but that they receive no follow-up care.

Nursing Standard. 18, 17, 33-38. doi: 10.7748/ns.18.17.33.s49

Peer review

This article has been subject to double-blind review.

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