An evaluation of the Health Equalities Framework for people with a learning disability
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An evaluation of the Health Equalities Framework for people with a learning disability

Joy Rooney Project leader, and performance and administration management assistant, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Learning Disabilities, Elgar Unit, Newtown Hospital, Worcester, England
Jeremy Foxall Head, Learning disability service, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Worcester, England
Karen Parkinson Senior speech and language therapist, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Worcester, England
Elaine Harris Senior clinician, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Worcester, England
Helen Collins Senior clinician, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Worcester, England
Pamela Mariga Professional health lead, Learning disabilities, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, Worcester, England

There is increasing evidence that the Health Equalities Framework (HEF) benefits people with learning disabilities, but there is little information about service users’ and carers’ views of it. This article reports on an evaluation of the HEF tool and the views of service users and carers, collected through a questionnaire. Findings suggest that service users benefit in many ways, based on the 29 indicator scales of the five domains of the HEF assessment: social, genetic-biological, communication, behaviour/lifestyle and service quality. The article outlines how HEF assessments reduced health inequalities, and includes examples of feedback about the outcomes.

Learning Disability Practice. 21, 1, 32-37. doi: 10.7748/ldp.2018.e1886


Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software

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None declared

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Received: 26 July 2017

Accepted: 06 October 2017

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