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Using social media to recruit research participants: a literature review

18 December 2023

Nurse Researcher

Social media

Background It may be challenging for researchers to recruit enough participants to have a diverse and representative sample for their studies. Usual recruitment...

Strategies for balancing internal and external validity in evaluations of interventions

03 October 2019

Nurse Researcher

Clinical trials

Background Evaluations of interventions should be carefully designed and conducted to maintain a balance between internal and external validity, with the dual goal...

Is Facebook a viable recruitment tool?

14 November 2019

Nurse Researcher

online research

Background Effective participant recruitment strategies are crucial to the success of research studies. A targeted, well-designed recruitment plan provides...

Engaging nurses in patient recruitment to research trials in the emergency department

15 August 2022

Emergency Nurse


Research is essential for the implementation of evidence-based practice and can lead to improvements and innovations in care delivery. Although ultimately beneficial...

Patient and public involvement for mental health researchers

03 November 2020

Mental Health Practice

Service users

Patient and public involvement (PPI) involves working with patients and/or members of the public to make mental health research more relevant for those using mental...

Bio-behavioural research in a rare disease population: a doctoral student’s experience

25 June 2020

Nurse Researcher

study participation

Background Novice researchers who aspire to contribute to the body of knowledge concerning rare diseases face unique challenges in developing and conducting studies....

Patient and public involvement in research design and oversight

19 August 2021

Nurse Researcher

patient group collaboration

Background In recent years, the value of patient and public involvement (PPI) in developing research has become apparent. Patients and service users have insights...

Successful strategies for including adults with intellectual disabilities in research studies that use interpretative phenomenological analysis

05 August 2021

Nurse Researcher

participation and inclusion

Background Adults with intellectual disabilities are not often asked to participate in health research. This may be because researchers perceive them as unable to...

One size does not fit all – overcoming barriers to participant recruitment in qualitative research

06 January 2022

Nurse Researcher


Background It can be challenging to recruit participants for qualitative research. Recruitment can be affected by factors such as systemic barriers, as well as...

A focused mapping review and synthesis of current practice in qualitative end of life research with the bereaved

22 August 2019

Nurse Researcher

recruitment and participation

Background Nursing research is dedicated to improving care, but research into end of life care can be challenging because of a possible reluctance by researchers to...