Developing from within: ensuring the ambulatory emergency care workforce is fit for purpose
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Developing from within: ensuring the ambulatory emergency care workforce is fit for purpose

Claire Thurgate Director of the Centre of Work Based Learning and Continuing Development, Canterbury Christ Church University, Department of Health, Wellbeing and the Family, Canterbury Christ Church University
Sue Holmes Lecturer and work-based facilitator, Centre of Work Based Learning and Continuing Development, Canterbury Christ Church University, East Kent Hospitals NHS University Foundation Trust

Claire Thurgate and Sue Holmes explain how a trust and a university have devised bespoke training to help nurses deliver safe, effective care to patients with complex conditions

Emergency healthcare provision is changing, and services need to respond to evolving health economies while providing safe, effective, patient-centred care. Ambulatory care is developing to meet these needs, but workforce planners need to ensure that staff are fit for purpose. To address this, one trust, in partnership with a local university, designed a bespoke in-house, work-based learning package on ambulatory care, which was delivered to registered nurses by practice experts. This article describes the project and discusses the evaluation, which highlighted the benefits of this way of learning for the nurses, the trust and the university, and identified some areas that require development.

Nursing Management. 22, 7, 28-31. doi: 10.7748/nm.22.7.28.s27


Peer review

This article has been subject to double-blind review and has been checked using antiplagiarism software

Conflict of interest

None declared

Received: 12 August 2014

Accepted: 22 September 2015

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