PO01 – Assessment of quality of life of children and adolescents with different types of cancer in all phases of treatment and its completion
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Open Access PO01 – Assessment of quality of life of children and adolescents with different types of cancer in all phases of treatment and its completion

Efrosini Vlahioti Faculty of Nursing, National & Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece
Pantelis Perdikaris Faculty of Nursing, National & Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece
Vasiliki Matziou Faculty of Nursing, National & Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece

Theme: Accreditation and quality improvement.

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate quality of life of children and adolescents with different types of cancer in all phases of treatment and its completion.

Patients and methods: The sample of the study was 112 children and adolescents aged 8-20 years. Of these, 56 were new patients with any type of cancer who were receiving treatment and 56 were survivors who had successfully completed at least five years before treatment protocols for childhood cancer.

Results: For children and adolescents, new patients with any type of cancer, during the first measurement at baseline score on the scale for quality of life was 3.44 and 3.88, respectively, in the middle of treatment 3.36 and 3.89, respectively, and with the completion of treatment 3.43 and 3.89 respectively.

Conclusions: The quality of life of the studied population was not significantly changed during the treatment and after its completion.

Nursing Children and Young People. 28, 4, 89-89. doi: 10.7748/ncyp.28.4.89.s80

Published: 09 May 2016

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