PO23 – Behavioural therapy via a video conference
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Open Access PO23 – Behavioural therapy via a video conference

Judy Grejsen , Herlev Hospital, Denmark
Lone Aaslet , Herlev Hospital, Denmark
Nanette Debes Mol , Herlev Hospital, Denmark
Liselotte Skov , Herlev Hospital, Denmark

Theme: Therapy and technology

Methods: Since December 2014, 10 patients have participated and finished the therapy. The first and last session took place at the Tourette clinic and sessions 2-11 were offered via video conference. Before and after BT, Yale Global Tics Severity Scale and PedsQl (Quality of Life) were used to assess the effectiveness of BT. We compared these patients with 10 patients with traditional BT.

Results: Both in the group with video conference BT and in the group with traditional BT, we found a decrease in motor, vocal, and total tics and global severity score. The quality of life increased in both groups. These effects were not statistically significant different between the groups.

Conclusion: The effectiveness of BT via video conference seems to be as effective as traditional BT. If further analyses confirm these results, we will offer video conference treatment to all the patients who find it difficult to meet physically.

Nursing Children and Young People. 28, 4, 101-102. doi: 10.7748/ncyp.28.4.101.s101

Published: 09 May 2016

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