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Results 1 - 10 of 98 Search Tips

Nurse verification of expected death

01 May 2005

Cancer Nursing Practice


In English law, a doctor is required to issue a certificate detailing the cause of death. However, pressure on out-of-hours GP services has led to lengthy delays...

Depression and sexual dysfunction: the role of the mental health nurse

01 July 2007

Mental Health Practice


Mental health nurses have a key role to play in patient education, with particular reference to sexual dysfunction (SD) affecting quality of life with conditions...

Clinical effectiveness and clinical teams: effective practice with older people

01 July 2001

Nursing Older People


Gerontological practice is widely recognised as a team effort (RCP 2000). Many of the issues that challenge the practice of gerontology stem from the historical...

Nurses and nurse practitioners 1: priorities in care

03 March 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & science research

Nurses and nurse practitioners part 2: perspectives on cane

10 March 1999

Nursing Standard

Arts & Science

The recent growth of the nurse practitioner (NP) movement has coincided with rising interest in the area of professional development. Nurse practitioners have been...

The management of leg ulcers in a patient with B cell cutaneous lymphoma

08 December 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA (NHL) is a malignancy of B and T lymphocytes. In the UK, its incidence is around 8.2 per 100,000 each year (Leukaemia Research Fund 1990). Most...

The role of the clinical nurse specialist: a study

17 November 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Clinical nurse specialists in Dorset work in a variety of specialties and enjoy good conditions of employment and high levels of job satisfaction.

Organisational culture and consultant nurse outcomes: part 2 nurse outcomes

31 May 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim The aim of this three-year study was to investigate the development of a consultant nurse post and consider whether it contributed to a new organisational...

Organisational culture and consultant nurse outcomes: part 1 organisational culture

24 May 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aims The aim of this three-year study was to operationalise the role of a consultant nurse and, in so doing, facilitate the development of nurses and nursing for the...

Nurses’ attitudes to the extension and expansion of their clinical roles

08 September 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Nurses are increasingly being asked to extend or expand their traditional roles, often for reasons other than their own professional development. This study, across...