Results 1 - 10 of 10 Search Tips

Implications of genetic screening for the risk of breast cancer

08 July 2010

Cancer Nursing Practice


Specialist cancer genetics services and genetic counselling provide eligible individuals with information about their risk of developing cancer based on an...

Combining client-centred therapy with attribution theory

01 June 2011

Mental Health Practice


This article asserts that the person-centred approach to therapy pioneered by Rogers (1961) can be augmented by cognitive elements drawn from attribution theory, in...

Tumour of the appendix: pseudomyxoma peritonei

01 May 2004

Cancer Nursing Practice


This paper describes the experiences of a patient with pseudomyxoma peritonei, a rare tumour arising from the appendix, which has fatal consequences unless treated....

The role of genetic factors in maintaining health

05 October 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article reviews the essential background information nurses need to help them understand how genetics influences health and ill-health. The typical human...

Introduction to the genetics series

14 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article provides a brief introduction to a seven-week series of articles that are underpinned by a competence-based genetics education framework. The series of...

Recognising the limitations of your genetics expertise

19 October 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The sixth article in this series aims to provide you with sufficient knowledge to refer a client for further genetic assessment. The focus is on the skills needed to...

Tailoring genetic information and services to clients’ culture, knowledge and language level

21 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article discusses approaches to dealing with transcultural care. Patient treatment can be improved by considering various cultural differences, establishing...

Genetics: uphold the rights of all clients to informed decision-making and voluntary action

28 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article discusses the rights of patients in relation to types of genetic tests and the broader implications for families. Use and misuse of genetic information...

Management of procedures and reactions following first aid

18 November 2009

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Registered nurses may fear that offering first aid will expose them to legal action and emotional stress. The final article of this series emphasises the importance...

Abortion services: the need to include men in care provision

08 June 2011

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Men are often overlooked during the abortion process, with little provision for their needs. Abortion services are traditionally woman-centred, where men are...