Results 1 - 10 of 10 Search Tips

Peripheral intravenous cannulation and patient consent

26 March 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

As nurses enhance their skills by taking on more tasks previously carried out by doctors, the need arises to be aware of consent. All nurses must have the capacity...

Learning disability awareness training for hospital staff

01 April 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Hospitals should be accessible to everyone. As a Valuing People Support Team publication put it, ‘all means all’, and if we can get it right for people with learning...

Addressing issues related to adult patients who lack the capacity to give consent

16 February 2005

Nursing Standard


Capacity to consent is an area of practice that raises many ethical issues. The assessment by practitioners requires a flexible and creative approach. The Mental...

Consent in practice: a case review

01 June 2007

Paediatric Nursing

Rights and ethics

Children under 16 years of age can give their own consent to treatment if deemed ‘Fraser’ competent. Parents of a 14-year-old boy had refused consent for him to...

Hannah Jones, consent and the child in action: a legal commentary

02 March 2010

Paediatric Nursing


The case of Hannah Jones hit the national news in the UK with headlines proclaiming that a young girl had been allowed to make an end of life decision. The case...

The Mental Capacity Act what you need to know

01 September 2007

Mental Health Practice


In 2003, an NOP survey revealed that 92 per cent of respondents thought that partners, wives or husbands had the right to make decisions on their behalf if they were...

Thinking the unthinkable: A role for pain compliance and mechanical restraint in the management of violence?

01 April 2005

Mental Health Practice


The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance (2005) on managing disturbed behaviour in mental health inpatient settings is welcome. NICE’s robust...

A practical guide to venepuncture and blood sampling

26 March 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article provides an overview of the knowledge and skills required for peripheral venepuncture, including anatomy and physiology, psychological issues, consent,...

The Mental Capacity Act: what you need to know

01 November 2007

Primary Health Care


On 1 October 2007 the Mental Capacity Act 2005 became law. The aim of the Act is to enable people to make their own decisions, and where this is not possible to...

Older people with confusion: capacity to consent and the administration of medicines

01 November 2002

Nursing Older People


The author examines capacity, consent and other key issues in relation to the administration of medicines to older people with confusion. It suggests there is much...