Results 1 - 10 of 294 Search Tips

Emergency services will divert callers to NHS Direct

01 May 2000

Emergency Nurse


AMBULANCE CONTROL services in five pilot areas are to divert callers with minor illnesses to NHS Direct in a bid to reduce pressure on A&E departments.

The winter of our discontent

01 April 1997

Emergency Nurse

News insights

‘It doesn’t happen here.- That is the overwhelming reaction from other European nurses when told of stories of people dying in the UK because operations have been...

Scaling new heights

01 June 2002

Emergency Nurse

News focus

Emergency nurses can be forgiven for being confused over how their salaries could be affected by the drive for a more modern and fair NHS pay system.

Trust guilty of discriminating against senior nurse

01 May 2001

Nursing Management


Jane Addo, a clinical nurse manager has been awarded nearly £80,000 for racial discrimination.

Don't rush to catch patients, nurses told

04 December 1996

Nursing Standard


NURSES COULD avoid severe injuries if they did not always rush to stop a patient falling, RCN senior labour relations officer Sheelagh Brewer told the RCN safety...

Night shift work linked to depression

18 December 1996

Nursing Standard


NURSES ARE more likely to become depressed if they work night shifts, according to a new study presented to the British Psychological Society’s annual conference...

RCN job evaluation to eliminate sex bias

18 December 1996

Nursing Standard


A SYSTEM for eliminating sex bias from pay and grading structures has been launched by the RCN.

Second MP to find out what nursing is like

15 January 1997

Nursing Standard


A SECOND Tory MP has agreed to shadow a nurse after being challenged by local RCN activists to find out for himself what nursing is like.

Nursing's low status discourages recruits

15 January 1997

Nursing Standard


YOUNG PEOPLE appear to be rejecting nursing as a career, with only one registered nurse, midwife and health visitor in six aged under 30, according to new UKCC...

Confusion reigns over nurse practitioners

30 October 1996

Nursing Standard

News analysis

EFFORTS BY THE UKCC to define exactly what is meant by advanced practice resulted in confusion last week.