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A consuming issue

22 November 2011

Nursing Standard


In 1860, Florence Nightingale said: ‘Every trained observer of the sick will agree that thousands of patients are annually starved in the midst of plenty, from want...

Identification and management of patients’ nutritional needs

01 April 2013

Nursing Older People


As individuals age a number of physical and cognitive changes affect their nutritional intake. Sensory losses affect the ability to obtain food or eat independently,...

Managing malnutrition in patients with dementia

11 March 2015

Nursing Standard


As dementia progresses, an individual may experience increasing difficulties in eating and drinking safely. Evidence suggests that admission to hospital may...

Dear Mr Burstow

01 March 2006

Nursing Older People


If you are going to issue sweeping statements in the press and professional journals it might be wise for you to understand why some residents of nursing homes have...