Results 1 - 10 of 10 Search Tips

50 years of consultation models: Tips for nurses

01 September 2007

Primary Health Care


For medical academics, 2007 marks an important anniversary as it is 50 years since Michael Balint published his seminal work on the consultation in general practice...

Diagnosis and management of heart failure

01 June 2006

Primary Health Care


Heart failure is an unfortunate term. Not only does it have negative connotations for patients, it is a syndrome rather than a single diagnosis, the end point of a...

The crisis in student mentorship

01 May 2005

Primary Health Care


The United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) mission statement on nurse training is to prepare students to apply knowledge,...

Fame and misfortune

31 January 2012

Primary Health Care


Ever since Michael Balint’s seminal work exploring the psychosocial dimension within the consultation (Balint 1957), health professionals have made significant...

Worsening breath lessness in a patient with congestive cardiac failure

01 March 2008

Primary Health Care


An 86-year old man presented to the nurse-led acute illness clinic with worsening dyspnoea. He had suffered relatively stable breathlessness for six years. However,...

Glandular fever: a practical lesson in acute inflammation

01 November 2007

Primary Health Care


Glandular fever is a common viral upper respiratory tract infection associated with mild to moderate constitutional upset. The infection is caused by the...

When to use reflexology

05 February 2010

Primary Health Care


Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is a specialised foot massage that aims to improve health and wellbeing and induce relaxation. While it remains under the...

Use of chillies in health care

03 September 2010

Primary Health Care


Chilli pepper is the vegetable of the plants from the genus capsicum, members of the nightshade family, and is widely used as a spice in cooking. This article...

Familial hypercholesterolaemia: different perspectives

19 August 2009

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Familial hypercholesterolaemia is a genetic condition characterised by high cholesterol levels in the blood and an increased risk of premature coronary heart...

Abdominal liposarcoma presenting as cough: case study

28 March 2012

Primary Health Care

A&S Science

Cough is a common occurrence and one of the most frequent presentations made to healthcare services. This article recounts the case of a 60-year-old man who was seen...