Results 1 - 10 of 12 Search Tips

Peer Review in the Health Sciences

09 February 2000

Nursing Standard

Book Review

The British Heart Foundation has launched two new videos as a guide for heart patients and their families. The videos, Heart Surgery - What's Going to Happen and...

Losing ground

16 May 2001

Nursing Standard

General article

NURSES HAVE voiced their concerns that fewer beds for patients with gynaecological and breast problems mean that many women are cared for in inappropriate settings.

EU agreement would limit scope for reversing NHS privatisation

29 April 2015

Nursing Standard


A new trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), is being negotiated between the European Union and the United States (News April...

Sexuality, privacy and nursing care

27 June 1990

Nursing Standard

Clinical sexuality

This final article, on sexuality and nursing care elaborates a theme that appears in different forms throughout the series, the notion of privacy - the nurse's...

Sexuality and nursing care: setting the scene

06 June 1990

Nursing Standard

Clinical sexuality

In this series on sexuality, articles by Hazel Platzer, Jenny Thompson, Ian Baguley and Charles Brooker suggest two common concerns, beyond raising important issues...

We must put an end to the human and financial costs of PFI projects

18 December 2013

Nursing Standard


It is time nursing woke up to the threat posed by the Private Finance Initiative and the damaging effects of using private capital to fund major NHS projects.

Building up trouble

26 March 2014

Nursing Standard


In a Frontline First report published last November, the RCN warned that the NHS is on the verge of a workforce crisis, with nearly 20,000 full-time nursing posts...

Participant observation, informed consent and ethical approval

01 July 2002

Nurse Researcher

Issues in research

Participant observation raises particular ethical issues in the health care context, especially in terms of ensuring informed consent. Lucy Moore and Jan Savage...

Health and social care bill is designed to dismantle the NHS

17 August 2011

Nursing Standard


Fifty-five nurses signed a letter published in The Times on August 3 expressing concern that the RCN is doing too little to oppose the Health and Social Care Bill....

RCN needs to encourage debate at congress on NHS reforms

17 April 2013

Nursing Standard


The government’s Section 75 regulations, laid in parliament, set out to clarify the role of competition in the health service.