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Changing culture and deprofessionalisation

01 February 2001

Nursing Management


THE ISSUE of culture and attitude is a major theme of the modernisation process and under- pins the NHS Plan. The government’s concerns in this respect centre on the...

A quick fix will not do

30 September 1998

Nursing Standard

Opinion special

WHATEVER THE initial response, some action must now follow - policy must be developed. So what do we want?

UKCC review: talking back

01 April 1998

Nursing Standard

News comment

Since the publication of JM Consulting’s paper on the future of nursing regulation, the sense that the review has huge significance for the profession has grown...

Screen test

18 September 1996

Nursing Standard


Nurses and nursing play an integral role in any screening programme. Consider, for example, cervical smears, or child health surveillance. Nurses feature frequently...

A regulated workforce?

04 February 1998

Nursing Standard

Regulation review

Over the last few years the RCN has called repeatedly for the regulation of healthcare assistants. Hie risks to public safety of a growing number of unregulated...

Professional team working is the way forward

16 August 2000

Nursing Standard


The RCN certainly does not support any move away from 'true' nursing (Letters August 9).

Professional regulation

19 October 2004

Nursing Standard


THE RCN identifies two particular challenges in the future regulation of nurses – the growth of conflicting healthcare regulatory systems and the possibility of an...

Heavy handed

17 July 1996

Nursing Standard


The aims of the BFI are admirable and the RCN has been supportive since its inception. The ‘Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding’ were agreed by all the Royal...

Spoilt for choice on career opportunities

07 December 1994

Nursing Standard


With reference to the recent letter ‘Paediatric nurses are often devalued’ (November 9), I would like to point out the following.

Widening the gate

01 December 1994

Paediatric Nursing

Forum community nursing

A In February 1994, the UK Central Council (UKCC) agreed standards for education and practice following registration on three main interlinking elements -...