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Commitment to PREP

01 May 2002

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Continuing professional development (CPD) for learning disability nurses is well established. The UKCC proposed that after qualification, learning disability nurses,...

Student life - Helping hands in the placement process

18 March 2015

Nursing Standard


Behind every nursing student placement there are people in three vital supporting roles: mentors, higher education link lecturers and trust-based practice education...

Student life - In the right place

17 September 2014

Nursing Standard


The Nursing and Midwifery Council requires that nursing students undertake 2,300 hours of practical learning experience, but finding placements is easier said than...

early career experiences

01 October 2005

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Recent years have witnessed many changes in services for learning disability clients, with concomitant changes in the role of learning disability nurses. Career...

A world of difference - but for how long?

01 February 1996

Nursing Management

General article

Working in health care services abroad is often a component of nurses’ careers in the early years after qualification. For two reasons, nu ming abroad has featured...

Assessing competence in nursing

09 July 2009

Nursing Management


New pre- and post-registration nursing competencies are being developed, yet there is much debate about how to define and assess competence. This article outlines...

Calculating skill mix: implications for patient outcomes and costs

26 December 2009

Nursing Management


Debate continues about the hierarchy of skilled roles in the nursing workforce. For example, should there be grades of qualified nurses other than registered nurses?...

Keeping to the same old pathways

13 March 2007

Nursing Standard

Careers& Jobs

The Department of Health (DH) once had lofty aspirations for reform of the healthcare workforce. Its document A Health Service of All The Talents (HSAT) advocated...

Careers in child health nursing: the influence of course experiences

01 December 2003

Paediatric Nursing

A&S Science

Findings presented in this paper are drawn from a longitudinal study of nurses’ careers (Robinson et al 1998, 1999). As part of this study, a large cohort of child...

Researching the careers of diploma qualified mental health nurses

01 May 2000

Mental Health Practice


Career pathways for mental health nurses have become increasingly diverse in recent years with the move towards community service provision and the emergence of...