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Antiepileptic drug overdose

01 February 2002

Emergency Nurse


Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions; it has been suggested that one in fifty people will have more than one epileptic convulsion in their...

Methaemoglobinaemia and poisoning

01 September 2001

Emergency Nurse


Methaemoglobin is a form of altered haemoglobin, which can be acquired or congenital, impairs oxygen transport, and can usually be converted to normal haemoglobin by...

Antimalarial drug overdose: clinical features and management

01 April 2001

Emergency Nurse


Malaria is caused by infection with protozoan parasites of the Plasmodia genus; the four species which are important in human disease are Plasmodium falciparum, P....

Acute iron overdose: clinical features and management

01 September 1999

Emergency Nurse


Iron poisoning occurs in both adults and children. The mortality rate in children is higher; deaths in adults are comparatively rare. In England and Wales, between...

Practical advice on managing poisoning from the NPIS (London)

01 December 1997

Emergency Nurse

Clinical acute poisoning

1 Is it necessary to have a policy to call a poisons centre for all cases or should we rely more on our own cardfile systems and books? The NPIS (London) considers...