Skin infections
Jacqueline Ann Watson Specialist nurse, Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, England
Sandra Lawton Nurse consultant dermatology, Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, England
This article outlines the issues involved in assessing and managing people who present with skin infections. Inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and skin lesions are the commonest reason for referral to a specialist, whereas skin infections are commonly seen by generalists (Schofield et al 2009). If the skin’s integrity is damaged, it can become vulnerable to microorganisms, resulting in an infection. Skin infections are common and are often upsetting for people and their families because of the stigma surrounding them – the perception being that the infections are the result of poor hygiene and the person being dirty. As a result, many people with dermatology problems experience negative reactions from others. This article will provide an overview of skin infections commonly seen by nurses working in primary care. It will look at examples of bacterial, viral and fungal infections, focusing on their aetiology, history, clinical findings, diagnosis, treatment and management.
Primary Health Care.
28, 3, 42-49.
doi: 10.7748/phc.2018.e1365
Peer review
This article has been subject to external double-blind review and has been checked for plagiarism using automated software
Conflict of interest
None declared
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Received: 17 October 2017
Accepted: 24 October 2017
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