Continuing Education articles are run in conjunction with the Royal College of Nursing Institute of Advanced Nursing Education to help you earn continuing education points (CEPs). All you have to do is read through the article, follow the instructions in the Time Out boxes, then answer the assessment questions that follow. Fill out the enclosed answer sheet and return it to the Freepost address with your fee by July 6 (September 6 if living abroad). By successfully completing the assessment, you will gain 5 CEPs. This article looks at the problem of dysphagia in motor neurone disease
Give a brand definition of MND, and dysphagia in particular
State the physiological and psychological implications
Discuss the general management of a patient with this condition
Understand the role of surgical intervention J Explain how symptoms can be controlled
Debate the ethical issues in MND
Nursing Standard. 8, 37, 57-64. doi: 10.7748/ns.8.37.57.s57
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