Developing and implementing a new bladder irrigation chart
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Developing and implementing a new bladder irrigation chart

Beverley Cutts Lecturer (adult nursing), Institute of Health and Social Care Studies, Le Vauquiedor, St Martins, Guernsey

Continuous bladder irrigation is a widely used procedure following urological surgery. Nurses monitor patients to minimise complications and to provide an accurate record of fluid input and output. Through observation in practice and discussion with a ward team, it was identified that the documentation in use for recording fluid balance was inadequate. This resulted in inconsistencies and omissions in documentation, which led to inaccuracies in fluid balance. Development of a new chart has attempted to address these issues. It has been developed as a result of concerns identified in practice and adapted to meet the needs of the clinical area.

Nursing Standard. 20, 8, 48-52. doi: 10.7748/ns2005.


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