learning disability and epilepsy: comparing experiences
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learning disability and epilepsy: comparing experiences

Padraic Costello Mental Health Needs of People with Learning Disabilities, Community learning disability nurse, Kingston Primary Care Trust
D Sophie Doswell Clinical psychologist, Kingston Primary Care Trust
Stephanie Price Trainee psychologist, Royal Holloway University

Padraic Costello and colleagues look at the lessons learned from an audit of epilepsy services in which service users’ experiences were compared with those for their carers

Epilepsy is defined as ‘a symptom of a transient brain dysfunction, where there is a high level of electrical activity in the brain, sending confused messages and causing abnormal behaviour and movements in the person’ (Epilepsy Action Australia 2006). Loughran and O’Brien (2001) state: ‘Epilepsy is a serious disorder that, if uncontrolled, can have a significant impact on an individual’s lifestyle.’

Learning Disability Practice. 10, 8, 12-16. doi: 10.7748/ldp2007.

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