Sepsis: an overview of the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and pathophysiology
Intended for healthcare professionals

Sepsis: an overview of the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and pathophysiology

Anne Hunt Sepsis lead nurse, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Stevenage, England

Sepsis is a common phenomenon surrounded by uncertainty and misunderstanding. The urgency for treatment is complicated by the vagueness of signs and symptoms and lack of a conclusive diagnostic test. This article unpicks the signs and symptoms of sepsis with guidance for emergency department nurses who are responsible for assessing patients with potential sepsis. The article also relates monitoring, investigation and treatment expectations to the underlying pathophysiology and refers to the individual and global implications of the condition.

Emergency Nurse. 27, 5, 32-41. doi: 10.7748/en.2019.e1926


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