Results 1 - 9 of 9 Search Tips

The development of a nurse-led complex wound clinic

01 April 2005

Nursing Standard

Tissue viability supplement

This article describes the development of a nurse-led complex wound clinic in Lincolnshire in April 2003, and describes one patient’s experience of the service. It...

The development of a nurse-led complex wound clinic

20 April 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes the development of a nurse-led complex wound clinic in Lincolnshire in April 2003, and describes one patient’s experience of the service. It...

Good practice in the management of serious degloving injuries

01 July 2013

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

Many lacerations involve degloving, a form of avulsion in which skin is torn off the underlying tissue. Patients with lacerations involving degloving must be managed...

Managing malignant wounds in patients receiving palliative care

19 December 2022

Nursing Standard


Malignant wounds are a complication of cancer and usually develop in patients with advanced disease. Physical symptoms associated with these wounds include pain,...

Promoting an inclusive approach to assessing and managing chronic wounds

26 April 2023

Primary Health Care

Wound care

Chronic wounds can be burdensome for patients and are associated with a loss of independence and social withdrawal. Additionally, there are challenges for healthcare...

Undertaking a person-centred assessment of patients with chronic wounds

08 July 2019

Nursing Standard


Wounds have traditionally been classified as acute or chronic. While this classification is useful when attempting to estimate healing times, it might lead to an...

Understanding the elements of a holistic wound assessment

21 September 2020

Nursing Standard


Wounds have become a significant public health challenge and consume a large amount of healthcare resources. Wounds can have severe negative effects on patients’...

Undertaking a structured assessment of a hard-to-heal wound

27 August 2024

Nursing Standard

Effective practice

A thorough, holistic wound assessment is essential to identify the aetiology of a hard-to-heal wound and formulate a diagnosis, which will underpin the treatment...

Understanding the physiology of wound healing and holistic wound assessment

02 December 2024

Nursing Standard

Peer-reviewed articles

Approximately 3.8 million people in the UK are affected by acute or chronic wounds each year and it is essential that nurses are equipped with the knowledge and...