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The principles and practice of child protection

12 January 2000

Nursing Standard


Nurses working with children might find themselves exposed to issues of child abuse. Sharon Stower discusses how to recognise child abuse, the legislation that...

The principles and practice of child protection

01 March 2000

Learning Disability Practice


Nurses working with children might find themselves exposed to issues of child abuse. Sharon Stower discusses how to recognise child abuse, the legislation that...

The principles and practice of child protection

01 July 2000

Mental Health Practice


Nurses working with children might find themselves exposed to issues of child abuse. Sharon Stower discusses how to recognise child abuse, the legislation that...

Principles and practice of child protection

01 September 1999

Paediatric Nursing


Aims and intended learning outcomes The aim of this article is to develop understanding or update the registered nurse’s knowledge of working in an acute hospital...

Child maltreatment: every nurse’s business

18 March 2015

Nursing Standard


Every nurse has a responsibility for protecting children, even nurses who do not work directly with children. However, nurses may be reluctant to deal with child...

Learning to listen: childhood trauma and adult psychosis

01 March 2004

Mental Health Practice


There is no doubt that childhood trauma and neglect can have serious consequences for the mental health of many individuals in their adult life. Systematic research...

Helping adults cope with abuse as children

13 September 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical mental health

This article describes the experience of a co-facilitator Psychological Therapist, in planning and developing a closed therapeutic group, Directorate of Clinical...

Covert Video Surveillance: An appraisal of the UKCC Position Statement

01 May 2001

Paediatric Nursing


The UKCC’s Position Statement on the use of Covert Video Surveillance (CVS) to detect child abuse in hospitals (UKCC 2000) is something that nurses have been...

Nurses’ knowledge of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

01 September 2001

Paediatric Nursing


Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) is a form of child abuse that can remain undetected for years. The child, and occasionally siblings, suffer serious physiological...

Chastising a child – the legal position

01 June 2008

Paediatric Nursing


Chastisement of children can take many forms, some of which could be offences under law. If the child was afraid of a physical attack because the parent was shouting...