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Results 1 - 10 of 48 Search Tips

Delivering training with a colleague: How to make co-training work

09 June 2014

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

Co-training can be an excellent experience for students and trainers alike, and can support increased learning. This article considers how co-training can be used in...

Six steps to teaching cancer patients

01 July 2013

Cancer Nursing Practice


There are compelling reasons why nurses should be engaged in teaching patients who have cancer. Coping with cancer is an emotional journey, an individual one, but...

Teaching good personal hygiene

09 June 2010

Learning Disability Practice


Teaching people about personal hygiene and how to keep clean is an essential skill for nurses and other professionals working with people with learning disabilities....

Developing nursing knowledge and language

04 September 1996

Nursing Standard

Nursing education

Caring is fundamental to nursing (Watson 1988) but it has proved difficult to define its nature clearly. Consequently, it is also difficult to teach.

Promoting effective teaching and learning in the clinical setting

13 June 2006

Nursing Standard

Learning zone continuing professional development

This article explores the nature of teaching and learning in the clinical area. Many of the issues that mentors encounter in promoting a good learning environment...

Learning theories made easy: cognitivism

19 April 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical education

The DNE welcomed the candidate into her office and began the interview. ‘In your application you claim to have the ideal theory for the 21st century. You say that...

How to keep student nurses motivated

11 November 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Student nurses on a pre-registration diploma Project 2000 course were poorly motivated, skipped lecturers and presented substandard work. This article describes how...

Nurse education: why Socrates would disapprove

10 September 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

IN ATHENS nearly 2,000 years ago, a grotesquely featured teacher – stout, bald, snub-nosed, thick-lipped, protruding eyes – called Socrates wandered the streets on...

Learning theories made easy: behaviourism

12 April 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical education

The last few years haw witnessed many developments in nurse education, partiadarly as links with higher education are strengthened. The clinical environment,...

Streamlining pre-operative assessment in orthopaedics

23 September 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The author was appointed to create a ‘pre-admission clerking system’ in an orthopaedic department. The management objective was to reduce the numbers of patients...