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Learning theories made easy: cognitivism

19 April 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical education

The DNE welcomed the candidate into her office and began the interview. ‘In your application you claim to have the ideal theory for the 21st century. You say that...

Learning theories made easy: behaviourism

12 April 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical education

The last few years haw witnessed many developments in nurse education, partiadarly as links with higher education are strengthened. The clinical environment,...

Learning theories made easy: humanism

26 April 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical education

The candidate representing the humanist theorists appeared relaxed and self-assured as he walked into the office. He shook the DNE’s hand firmly, introducing himself...

Student perceptions of effective nurse educators in clinical practice

22 April 2015

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To explore baccalaureate nursing student perceptions of what makes an effective nurse educator in the clinical practice setting and the influence of effective...