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The national multidisciplinary psychiatric intensive care group: origins and future plans

01 November 1997

Mental Health Practice


Throughout the history of mental health care, the methods of managing patients who demonstrate disturbed and aggressive behaviour have always been important and...

Intensive care for people with serious mental illness

14 April 1997

Nursing Standard

Mental health

One consequence of enduring mental illness is a sense of powerlessness. Several studies have emphasised the importance of developing self-determination,...

Hospital placements: out of borough and out of step?

09 June 2010

Learning Disability Practice


A sample of people with complex learning disabilities had their specialist hospital placements reviewed by the authors. In this article they describe the inpatients’...

Radiotherapy nursing: understanding the nurse’s role

11 March 1998

Nursing Standard


The role of the nurse in medical oncology is well defined and accepted, particularly in relation to the administration of chemotherapy. However, radiotherapy nurses...

Practice development units: a study of teamwork

06 May 1998

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

In this report of a study using the Team Climate Inventory (TCI) tool, the researchers explain how the tool can be used in preparation for creating a practice...

Nursing development units: progress and developments

04 April 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Nursing development units (NDUs) are centres where groups of nurses, midwives, public health nurses and health visitors use a comprehensive planned strategy to...

Meeting patients’ needs in secure forensic psychiatric units

20 August 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The authors have developed a security needs assessment profile designed to match the service provided in secure, forensic psychiatric units more accurately with the...

Breastfeeding in the neonatal unit: a case review

01 November 2004

Paediatric Nursing


Supporting breastfeeding has traditionally been regarded as exclusive to midwifery. But children’s nurses working in neonatal units also need to develop a sound...

Development of a short-stay unit in an emergency department

01 May 2013

Emergency Nurse

Art & Science

In 2009, the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, established a nine-bed, short-stay unit in its emergency department. This article explains the rationale for the model...

Being positive about acute psychiatry

01 October 2003

Mental Health Practice

Acute inpatient care

A number of recent publications have advocated changes to improve care for patients in acute psychiatric units. This article looks at one unit that has achieved...