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Principles of consent: issues for the radiology nurse

25 June 1997

Nursing Standard

Legal issues

Nurses working in radiology departments face increasing challenges - outside mainstream nursing, they often lack a nursing hierarchy to seek guidance from, reporting...

Techniques for removing rings from injured fingers

09 December 2010

Emergency Nurse


Staff in emergency departments or minor injury units are sometimes asked to remove rings from patients’ fingers. This is often because their presence has become...

Participant observation, informed consent and ethical approval

01 July 2002

Nurse Researcher

Issues in research

Participant observation raises particular ethical issues in the health care context, especially in terms of ensuring informed consent. Lucy Moore and Jan Savage...

Issues and considerations when researching sensitive issues with men: examples from a study of men and sexual health

22 October 2010

Nurse Researcher

A&S Science

This article highlights some ethical considerations and practicalities that arose when conducting research with men in relation to decision making and seeking help...

The concept analysis of therapeutic misconception

01 July 2010

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

The concept of therapeutic misconception is explored following the Wilson method of concept analysis. The phenomenon, identified in the early 1980s, was first...

Consent to surgery: the role of the nurse

24 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical nursing ethics

Consent to surgery is a legal arrangement, based on the idea of a contract between two equal partners: the patient and the doctor. However, when patients sign a...

Consent to research: the role of the nurse

31 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Clinical nursing ethics

Modem views about consent to medical research were clearly stated in 1947 (1). The Nuremberg Code, written mainly by lawyers after the trials of Nazi doctors, opens...

An approach to obtaining informed consent from patients with cancer

02 April 2008

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article describes a workshop held to address a perceived gap in nurses’ knowledge about obtaining informed consent from participants in clinical trials. It...

An audit of patients’ understanding of routine preoperative investigations

07 February 2007

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

An audit of 100 patients’ understanding of preoperative investigations was undertaken at a preoperative assessment unit. Results showed that most patients had a...

Deciding on MMR

01 May 2004

Paediatric Nursing


The safety of childhood immunisation continues to be questioned by parents and professionals, with the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) being the main focus...