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Results 1 - 10 of 107 Search Tips

Clinical decision making in the selection of analgesia

01 May 2009

Emergency Nurse


This article uses findings from a case study and an evaluation of decision-making theories to provide an evidence-based rationale for the selection outside...

An interprofessional approach to the ethics of undertaking research with children

01 April 2009

Nurse Researcher


Ethics has been defined as moral principles that in the context of research pertain to treating participants fairly and responsibly throughout the research process...

Improving tracheostomy care for ward patients

19 January 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The number of patients with a tracheostomy being cared for in the ward setting has increased recently as intensive care clinicians use this procedure to aid early...

Enhancing involvement in NICE guideline development

21 September 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article examines professional stakeholders’ involvement in the development of National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) clinical guidelines....

Resuscitation in hospital: Resuscitation Council (UK) recommendations

01 May 2002

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The Resuscitation Council (UK) has made recommendations for standards in resuscitation and resuscitation training in the hospital setting. This article provides an...

Getting guidelines into practice: a literature review

25 August 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Background Clinical guidelines have the potential to ensure that a research knowledge base underpins practice. Their development nationally and locally has increased...

Restraint in the care of children

08 November 2011

Emergency Nurse


As a nursing student on an emergency department (ED) placement, the author of this article experienced personal and professional conflict while restraining a child...

Helping vulnerable people develop and maintain relationships

28 May 2014

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

In the North Somerset Primary Care Trust catchment area, local healthcare guidelines on relationships and sexuality may not help people with learning disabilities or...

Managing unexpected births in the emergency department

07 September 2010

Emergency Nurse


Nurses in emergency departments can be the first contact for patients who require assessment and management because they suspect they are about to give birth. This...

Family-witnessed resuscitation

07 September 2010

Emergency Nurse


Family-witnessed resuscitation is a controversial subject for healthcare professionals and support for the practice is not universal (Albarran and Stafford 1999,...