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Results 1 - 10 of 148 Search Tips

Position statement on nurse-patient ratios in critiral care

06 December 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The level of nurse-to-patient staffing ratios in critical care environments is a controversial issue. Tracy Pilcher and Mandy Odell review the literature and examine...

Meeting the needs of patients’ families in intensive care units

25 June 2014

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

A review of articles published between 2000 and 2013, retrieved from several databases, was conducted to identify research findings regarding nursing interventions...

Critical care education: a collaborative approach

01 December 2003

Paediatric Nursing


A number of hospital trusts provide children’s and neonatal critical care services for the London area. Post registration education for nurses working in these units...

Trauma training: a literature review

01 November 2007

Emergency Nurse


Severe injury is the leading cause of death in people under the age of 35, and a common cause of death in those of all ages, in England and Wales (Office for...

Haemodynamic monitoring: arterial catheters

19 April 2005

Nursing Standard

Learning zone continuing professional development

The arterial catheter is one of the most common monitoring tools available in the intensive care unit. However, as an invasive device it has the potential to cause...

The role of hope for relatives of critically ill patients: a review of the literature

22 September 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

If nurses are going to be able to help relatives meet their need for hope, they must first develop a better understanding of the concept and what it means for...

Understanding shock

23 August 2000

Nursing Standard


Shock is a serious condition that involves many organs of the body and must be treated immediately to ensure that the patient recovers. Timothy Collins provides a...

Haemodynamic monitoring: arterial catheters

13 April 2005

Nursing Standard


The arterial catheter is one of the most common monitoring tools available in the intensive care unit. However, as an invasive device it has the potential to cause...

Runaway patients

01 September 2003

Mental Health Practice

A&S Science

When a patient absconds, it’s a worrying thing for the nurses on any acute psychiatric ward. Questions buzz through their heads, such as: ‘Will he be all right?’,...

Enteral feeding for the critically ill patient

07 May 1997

Nursing Standard


In critical care, the most important role of the nurse is establishing feeding - assessing the patient’s nutritional status, encouraging the patient to eat where...