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Results 1 - 10 of 44 Search Tips

Challenging the myth of the 12-hour shift: a pilot evaluation

04 April 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim The aim of this pilot evaluation was to assess whether changing a nursing shift pattern to incorporate 12-hour shifts would have positive effects for patients...

Calculating capacity and demand in chemotherapy outpatient units

01 October 2006

Cancer Nursing Practice


This article highlights the current challenges in meeting demand capacity facing chemotherapy units across the UK. It discusses the importance of conducting formal...

Developing a successful self-rostering shift system

02 July 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Three wards of different sizes and with a mixture of full-time and part-time staff, qualified and unqualified, took part in a self-rostering trial lasting a total of...

Administrative duties: weighing up the problem

01 July 2006

Mental Health Practice


Every so often a journal or new report suggests that paperwork and administrative duties are a burden for clinical staff. Does that really matter? The answer is a...

Educating healthcare support workers in cancer and palliative care

01 December 2003

Cancer Nursing Practice


The Cancer Care Alliance (CCA) Network for Teesside, South Durham and North Yorkshire has a reputation for delivering multi-professional cancer and palliative care...

Mapping the English cancer clinical nurse specialist workforce

01 April 2008

Cancer Nursing Practice


The role and function of the cancer clinical nurse specialist (CNS) has been the subject of increasing debate in recent years as NHS trusts seek to control their...

Observing and engaging: new ways to reduce self harm and suicide

01 July 2007

Mental Health Practice


It’s been a long haul, but the City-128 research report on the use of special observation to reduce self-harm on acute psychiatric wards was finally released in May,...

Nurse staffing requirements

01 July 2006

Nursing Management

Applied leadership

EVERY HEALTH SERVICE workforce planner, human resources team member, and health service leader faces the challenge of ensuring appropriate staffing.

Older nurses and midwives in the NHS

01 December 2007

Nursing Management


WHEN THE Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 (Office of Public Sector Information 2006) came into force late last year, a raft of legislation designed to...

Staffing levels and patient outcomes

25 October 2009

Nursing Management


There is considerable evidence of an association between nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes. The evidence has been used to support calls for mandatory...