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Results 1 - 10 of 58 Search Tips

Carer burden in schizophrenia: considerations for nursing practice

01 December 2010

Mental Health Practice


In the UK, half a million people care for people with severe mental illnesses (Princess Royal Trust for Carers 2002). This article reviews the findings of a study of...

Nurse prescribing: what do patients think?

10 January 2001

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To explore nurse prescribing from the patient’s viewpoint. Method This study was undertaken in one primary care group in Leicestershire. All prescribing health...

Build a nurse!

01 March 2005

Learning Disability Practice

Practice & Research

Historically the thoughts and opinions of people who have a learning disability have not influenced the development of the services provided for them. O’Brien...

Young people’s and carer’s views on the cancer services they receive

01 February 2005

Cancer Nursing Practice


Patient and public involvement is key to understanding how cancer services can be improved and developed. This article reports on user and carer involvement in a...

Does the practice of care planning live up to the theory for mental health nursing students?

09 October 2014

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

Care planning should be a collaboration between the service user, caregivers and the relevant professionals. It is based on recovery principles, where clients...

Learning to listen: childhood trauma and adult psychosis

01 March 2004

Mental Health Practice


There is no doubt that childhood trauma and neglect can have serious consequences for the mental health of many individuals in their adult life. Systematic research...

Open AccessPO08 – Perceptions of children and their parents about the pain experienced during their hospitalization and its impact on parents’ quality of life

09 May 2016

Nursing Children and Young People


Theme: Pain Background: In children and adolescents with cancer, as well as in their parents, the quality of life is affected due to pain experienced during their...

Developing patient satisfaction questionnaires

01 December 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Karen Collins provides a practical guide to undertaking a patient satisfaction survey. She outlines the background to patient satisfaction research and highlights...

Using a patient satisfaction survey to close the theory-practice gap

07 June 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim The objective of this study was to determine whether a patient satisfaction survey could be used as a research tool to improve nursing practice. Method A postal...

Patients’ perceptions of bedside handover

08 December 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Gone are the days when a nurse would discuss a patient’s progress in a matter of fact way behind their back when handing over their care to a colleague. Handover has...