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Results 1 - 10 of 105 Search Tips

Improving nurse communication skills with the cancer patient

01 March 2005

Cancer Nursing Practice


The potential for improving nurses’ communication skills is often limited by nurses and other health professionals lack of motivation to use such skills effectively....

Therapeutic touch and dementia care: an ongoing journey

01 December 2006

Nursing Older People

Gerontological care and practice

Touch is considered a core aspect of care provision and therapeutic relationships. Therapeutic touch allows nurses to facilitate healing and forge therapeutic...

Keeping the person in the centre of nursing

02 August 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article presents an overview of what it means to be a person and how this is articulated in person-centred approaches to practice. Nursing assessment is used as...

The value of the nurse-patient relationship in the care of cancer patients

05 May 1999

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

The nurse-patient relationship can be seen as central to any form of nursing care. This review looks at the importance of this relationship to the successful care of...

Nursing and medication education

30 August 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim This study set out to explore nurses’ current contribution to medication education and the clinical contextual factors that influence current practice. Method...

Carer-driven dementia education for professionals

01 March 2008

Nursing Older People


The pilot project described here took the form of action research, focusing on dementia awareness education for nurses on acute wards and in accident and emergency...

Using patient stories to improve lung cancer care

01 July 2003

Cancer Nursing Practice


Several Department of Health (DoH) directives in recent years have outlined the need to improve cancer services in England and Wales. Part of this improvement is...

Implications of PBSCT for nursing practice

01 November 2002

Cancer Nursing Practice


This is an evaluative case study comparing the treatment of two patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). It focuses specifically on the care provided by a...

‘Human costs’ of breast cancer among non-English speaking BME women

01 July 2007

Cancer Nursing Practice


This article describes a qualitative exploratory research study aimed at determining how non-English speaking black and minority ethnic (BME) women with breast...

Advanced breast cancer: aetiology, pathogenesis and treatment

01 April 2007

Cancer Nursing Practice


Even though the number of women affected by breast cancer continues to rise worldwide, aetiology remains unclear. As health educators nurses should encourage women,...