Results 1 - 5 of 5 Search Tips

Developing a multi-agency core training programme for staff working in learning disability services

01 February 2004

Learning Disability Practice

Practice & research

It has long been recognised that good quality services for people with a learning disability offer a mixture of professional staff who provide primary care and...

Open AccessOC38 – Beyond boundaries: inter-professional simulation in children and young people’s nursing – three pilot projects

09 May 2016

Nursing Children and Young People


Theme: Nursing education, management and leadership. Inter-professional collaboration is essential for safe, high-quality, patient-centered care (Shanahan and Lewis...

Blurred boundaries damage inter-professional working

01 January 2005

Nurse Researcher

issues in research

Everybody pays lip-service to the idea that healthcare professionals should collaborate in delivering care to patients. In this article, Rosemary Rushmer explores...

Quality patient care: challenges and opportunities

30 October 2017

Nursing Management

Evidence & practice

There are several interlocking elements integral to the delivery of safe patient care, including clinical governance, efficient communication, teamwork, risk...

Experiences of a community of research practice: a service evaluation

28 April 2022

Nurse Researcher

Research capacity

Background A community of research practice (CRP) was established to increase research capacity and provide learning opportunities and networking for healthcare...