Results 1 - 10 of 13 Search Tips

Seclusion in psychiatry

01 September 1999

Nursing Standard

A&S Science

The subject of seclusion will always generate professional, legal and moral debate. Lawrence Savage and Emad Salib examined the continuing and regular use of...

Millfields charter drawing the wrong conclusions

01 April 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

The sentiments of those who support the Millfields Charter in seeking to improve service user safety and, in particular, to decrease the risk of further...

Millfields Charter finding the middle ground

01 April 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

To be asked to mediate in a published debate on an important national issue is either a privilege or a poisoned chalice. My therapist will decide. More so where the...

Millfields Charter why I am in favour

01 April 2007

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Some concerned colleagues and I launched the Millfields Charter in October 2005. I am aware that the charter will not be a universally popular initiative. I am also...

The Millfields Charter debate: the founders respond

01 December 2006

Mental Health Practice


It still surprises many members of the charter group that some people who work in the caring and education professions still defend the use of prone restraint...

Restraining children for clinical procedures

01 November 2005

Paediatric Nursing


As a student nurse working on children’s wards, I was amazed at how often children were forcibly held to enable procedures to be carried out. After speaking to...

Is restraint a form of abuse?

01 July 2005

Paediatric Nursing


Physical restraint of children is commonly used in clinical settings to successfully carry out therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. Mayton (1991) defines restraint...

When a child says ‘no’: experiences of nurses working with children having invasive procedures

01 May 2008

Paediatric Nursing


Experiencing invasive medical procedures can be a devastating experience for some children and their parents. The potential impact on staff who perform the procedure...

Risk assessment and the use of restrictive physical intervention in adults with a learning disability

01 July 2006

Learning Disability Practice

A&S Science

Using physical interventions to restrict people with learning disabilities has always been a controversial issue. The Department of Health (DH) publication Guidance...

Thinking the unthinkable: A role for pain compliance and mechanical restraint in the management of violence?

01 April 2005

Mental Health Practice


The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance (2005) on managing disturbed behaviour in mental health inpatient settings is welcome. NICE’s robust...