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Physical health care in medium secure services

08 January 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Background The physical healthcare needs of patients in medium secure units (MSUs) are often overlooked. The authors of this article audited patients in one forensic...

Cognitive behavioural patients who self harm. Part 2: A treatment care study

01 September 1998

Mental Health Practice


Jane Smith's belief that self harm was the most appropriate method of resolving her emotional conflict was successfully challenged as the weeks progressed. She was...

Cognitive behavioural interventions for patients who self harm

01 July 1998

Mental Health Practice


People who commit deliberate acts of self- harm, such as taking overdoses and selfcutting, are seen frequently by nurses in a variety of settings. Self-harming...

Tackling substance misuse in a secure mental health unit

01 October 2005

Mental Health Practice


Many people with mental health problems are also substance misusers. Indeed, an audit conducted among patients using the forensic service at Oxfordshire Mental...

Opportunities to preserve forensic evidence in emergency departments

Emergency Nurse

evidence & practice

Victims of violence often seek assistance from emergency departments, so emergency nurses are ideally placed to identify them, and other ‘forensic’ patients, and...

Crime scene

28 March 2006

Nursing Standard


Nurses in Chichester are carving out new roles as forensic nurse practitioners (FNPs). Working closely with the police, they are making a significant contribution to...

From acorns…

01 March 2006

Mental Health Practice


Over the past few years there has been an increased focus on nursing research activity in Scotland. The Scottish Executive health department’s national strategy for...

Issues in nursing care for patients with severe personality disorders

01 September 1997

Mental Health Practice


Role of mindfulness in reducing challenging behaviour

28 November 2013

Learning Disability Practice

Art & Science

This article describes part of the evaluation of the mindfulness programme, which has been run collaboratively by nurses, psychology staff and patients for more than...

Media portrayal of mentally disordered offenders: a case study

12 April 2016

Mental Health Practice

Art & Science

The negative portrayal by the media of people diagnosed with a mental health disorder who commit crime can have profound effects on all concerned. In cases where the...