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Results 1 - 10 of 65 Search Tips

Nurse education in the university setting

25 February 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & science

THE CONSERVATIVE party leader Michael Howard’s recent statement that there are too many students in higher education doing too many ‘Mickey Mouse courses’ begs the...

Distance learning for post-registered nursing: the facts

19 January 2000

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aim To explore nurses’ perceptions and evaluate the potential of distance learning as a method of teaching for post-registered nurses working in the community....

Self-assessment and reflection in nurse education

30 March 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

It is widely argued that nurse learners should learn to become reflective practitioners and that self-assessment plays a part in this (Ekebergh et al 2004, Thorpe...

Reflective practice: a meaningful task for students

09 March 2005

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Aims To ascertain whether students found reflection to be a meaningful activity, whether there are perceived benefits associated with reflective practice and whether...

Difficulties in clinical supervision and lifelong learning

28 May 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

Reflective and lifelong learning are integral components of professional practice. They have been introduced successfully in nursing as part of academic study...

Enquiry-based learning: an introductory guide

12 September 2001

Nursing Standard


Enquiry-based learning uses real life situations to analyse and possibly refine nursing practice. Bob Price discusses the process.

Work-based learning: challenges and opportunities

15 December 2004

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article discusses some of the challenges and opportunities arising from the development and implementation of an innovative work-based open and distance...

Coaching and mentoring nursing students

01 December 2007

Nursing Management


COACHING AND MENTORING are processes that help develop and improve the performance of staff.

Developing a stroke education programme

01 September 2001

Nursing Older People

Nursing practice

Stroke, along with heart disease, is a priority identified within Our Healthier Nation (DoH 1998) and supported by the Royal College of Physicians which has recently...

The Study Bank: an annualised hours system for staff development

01 April 2005

Nursing Management


ONCE REGISTERED, modern nurses are expected to provide a high standard of clinical care while being committed to lifelong learning (Department of Health 2000).