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The tissue viability society

11 April 2001

Nursing Standard

General article

OVER THE past decade, nurses have played an important role in the advances in wound management, and the role of the wound care specialist has become well...

Auditing a leg ulcer service

24 August 1994

Nursing Standard

Tvs clinical

An audit of wound care practice was carried out in South Bedfordshire Community Trust as part of the implementation of a research-based programme of leg ulcer care...

Community venous ulcer clinics: a new approach to healing

01 June 1989

Primary Health Care

Community care

Recent epidemiological studies have reported that there are 100,000-200,000 patients with chronic venous ulcers in the UK at any time and 67 per cent of these are...

The use of compression hosiery in the care of leg ulcers

24 April 1996

Nursing Standard

Tissue viability

Graduated compression hosiery is regarded as a prerequisite for the prevention of of venous leg ulceration re-occurrence. It is also used prophylactically for the...

Pinch skin grafting: an extension of the role of the nurse specialist

01 July 1989

Primary Health Care

Pinch grafting

Skin grafting for repair of skin loss is used in many conditions and often involves patients being admitted to hospital for long periods at great expense, both to...

The Charing Cross approach to venous ulcers

12 December 1990

Nursing Standard

News and feature

Venous ulcers are a major health problem. It is estimated that they drain the NHS of a staggering £200 million a year, with the major cost being incurred in the...