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Results 1 - 10 of 721 Search Tips

An incremental approach to educational development

15 January 2003

Nursing Standard

Art & Science

This article examines the implications for education in practice of the document Preparation of Mentors and Teachers (ENB/DoH 2001), and the changes that it imposes...

Ethics in Nursing, 2nd edition

01 November 1992

Elderly Care

Book Review

The second edition of Ethics in Nursing: The Caring Relationship is more like a new book than a revised edition. It takes account of the changes, both in the field...

Individuals, families and the new era of genetics

01 June 2007

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

As this book does not have a particular nursing focus, it could not be said to be essential reading. However, scientific advances in the field of genetics and...

Ankle sprain: a literature search

01 June 2003

Emergency Nurse


An internet and library literature search was undertaken to discover current best practice in ankle sprain management. A Medline search was undertaken for the terms...

Agenda for Change in emergency care settings

07 December 2009

Emergency Nurse


In 2004, the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (Department of Health 2004) was launched as part of Agenda for Change, the new terms and conditions for most NHS...

When is a nurse a nurse?

01 July 2005

Learning Disability Practice


Dear Editor In the article ‘On the right road’ (LDP, 8, 5, 20-21), Dr Alex McClimens questions why many intelligent young people are still apparently happy to be...

PCP makes dreams come true

01 November 2006

Learning Disability Practice


Dear editor, I was really pleased and interested to read the exciting work of the Hampshire person-centred planning (PCP) team in recent issues of LDP. In 2002 I...

A Practical Guide to Mental Health Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

27 June 2014

Learning Disability Practice

Book Review

THIS BOOK considers the issues and strategies involved in supporting children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and comorbid mental health problems. It begins...

Moving forward

01 August 1991

Elderly Care

Implementing change

The elderly care service within Medway Health Authority in Kent has expanded over the last two years. Before 1989, elderly care beds were unevenly distributed...

IV cannulation: Principles and practice

01 February 1995

Emergency Nurse


Traditionally, IV cannulation has been a medical skill simply passed on, often with little education or understanding of the underlying theoretical principles....