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08 July 1998

Nursing Standard


EVER BEEN accused of insider dealing? If you work in the health service it is probably something in which you indulge. Not in the stockbroking financial sense, but...

Start cracking the whip

26 January 2000

Nursing Standard


ROLL UP! Roll up! The circus is in town! That’s certainly how it feels at the moment as everyone rushes to leap on the health service bandwagon. The tabloid press...

Flexible, but fair as well

24 February 1999

Nursing Standard


BREEZY OPTIMISM is the tone throughout the government's Agenda for Change document. There is certainly much to welcome in its proposals for modernising the health...

Bricks and mortification

21 July 1999

Nursing Standard


THINGS HAVE come to a pretty pass when deciding whether or not nursing care should be free at the point of delivery depends on bricks and mortar. Sounds ridiculous?...

Stating the obvious

09 February 2000

Nursing Standard


DID YOU KNOW that looking at your sunny holiday snaps in winter has the effect of cheering you up? It's the same when you look at holiday brochures: the pictures...

A racist witch-hunt

17 January 2001

Nursing Standard


ONE OF THE tabloid newspapers caused a terrific furore at the end of last week with its front page headline about African nurses with HIV being recruited into the...


14 August 1996

Nursing Standard


Stop panicking and start planning rationally. That seems to be the most powerful message from the Commons health select committee responsible for last week’s report...

No place for any prejudice

07 August 1991

Nursing Standard


They are vital links in the caring chain. Without them, staffing levels in many areas would probably collapse. They often work in departments with particular...

A few home truths

23 February 1994

Nursing Standard


There will be those who nod sagely at news that the UKCC is concerned about the number of complaints received about nurses in care homes, particularly in the...

If only•••

16 February 1994

Nursing Standard


If only... it is difficult not to consider the Clothier Report into the Beverly Allitt case without hearing the echo of these treacherous words. For staff at...