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What’s so awful about science ?

01 December 1994

Nurse Researcher

Issues in research

‘Is no-one inspired by our present picture of the universe? This value of science remains unsung by singers: you are reduced to hearing not a song or poem, but an...

Writing a research thesis

01 September 1994

Nurse Researcher

Writing and research

There are many different kinds of research report, produced for a variety of purposes. This article considers the production of a full research report, of the kind...

Malnutrition: the key to pressure sores?

13 October 1993

Nursing Standard

Clinical orthopaedics

The number of elderly patients requiring hospital treatment for orthopaedic trauma is increasing. This group also appears to be particularly at risk of being...

Collaborating on the integration of cancer nursing services

04 September 1996

Nursing Standard

Cancer nursing

The Calman-Hine report (DoH 1995) proposed the delivery of a uniformly high level of cancer care across the UK. A network of services provided through cancer...