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Addressing prejudices

01 May 2002

Mental Health Practice


Dear Editor, Further to the correspondence following the publication of the article ‘Finding Help in a Crisis’ concerning provision of services for people who may...

Levels of aggression against nurses

18 September 1990

Nursing Standard

Clinical aggression

There have been a number of surveys over the last few years which have attempted to assess the level of aggression directed against nurses (1-16). There is little...

UKCC’s proposals are ‘undemocratic’

06 May 1992

Nursing Standard


It is difficult to understand the thinking behind the UKCC's proposals tor future elections for its members - at best, it is faulty.

Abolish RMN specialisms

24 October 1990

Nursing Standard


Psychiatric nursing has traditionally separated itself from mainstream (general) nursing. The most important move in this respect was the 1982 syllabus which, in...

Seclusion: a last sanctuary?

15 April 1992

Nursing Standard

Viewpoint seclusion

I would like to respond to David Sallah’s comments on the continuing seclusion debate (Points of view, February 12).