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Open debates

14 January 1998

Nursing Standard


AS CONSULTANTS review the arrangements for the regulation of the nursing, midwifery and health visiting professions, I find myself approaching the subject from the...

Impulsive action

20 July 1999

Nursing Standard


Regulation of the health professions is an important matter. It matters to governments, to employers of registered health professionals, to the practitioners - even...

Stymied by a 19th century model in a 21 st century world

10 May 2000

Nursing Standard


I read with interest the profile of Claire Perry (Features April 19), now wrestling with the task that will again revise the arrangements for the regulation of the...

Future defenders clause vi

15 August 1990

Nursing Standard

Students' bill of rights

'As a nursing student you have the right to bring to the attention of the appropriate authority any act of patient abuse or poor standard of care. Students must not...

Blowing the health whistle

25 January 1995

Nursing Standard


It is a comment on the times in which we live that ’ the final month of 1994 saw the publication of two books with the word ' whistleblowing’ in their titles:...

Commitment cuts risk

21 June 1995

Nursing Standard

News file

Industrial action was until now considered alien to the concept of the nursing, midwifery and health visiting professions and the roles which members of these...

A help or a hindrance?

03 May 1995

Nursing Standard

Viewpoint debate

Does the UKCC's Code of Conduct have any relevance in the modern NHS Patients may be aware of the Citizen’s Charter but not many realise that they have the power to...