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Nurses are being used on the cheap, without proper training or support

08 December 2009

Nursing Standard


Degrees do not necessarily make good nurses or doctors (news and analysis November 25). It is what people carry in their heart – their values and their desire to...

The christian tradition in health and care

19 April 2011

Nursing Standard


Stephen Wright’s feature article on spirituality in health care (March 30) was most interesting. It begs the question why health and welfare, which evolved from a...

RCN faces challenges over rising inequalities within profession

13 August 2014

Nursing Standard


It is difficult to understand why the RCN will not join colleagues in the Royal College of Midwives and other health unions in balloting members on industrial action...

Oh for a culture where mistakes are not treated as criminal

22 July 2015

Nursing Standard


It would be wonderful if we had a transparent culture in the NHS, where everyone not only felt safe and confident enough to discuss and record their own mistakes,...

It is up to our patients to decide when to discuss spiritual needs

04 March 2015

Nursing Standard


I have followed the discussion about religion, the role of hospital chaplains and the way that nurses should react to patients who raise spiritual or religious...

The past can teach us much about educators in clinical practice

27 May 2015

Nursing Standard


I agree with the remarks made by James Smith about the absence of nurse educators in UK clinical settings (Letters, April 29).

William Pooley’s dedication has restored our faith in humanity

24 September 2014

Nursing Standard


I am pleased that William Pooley, the British nurse who contracted Ebola virus disease working in Sierra Leone, has made a full recovery after being repatriated and...

Informing a patient they have dementia is a clinical judgement

17 June 2015

Nursing Standard


Although I respect Professor Jane Andrews’ views on informing patients of a diagnosis of dementia (letters June 3), I have difficulty agreeing entirely. It is...

Professionals who feel valued by their managers deliver better care

18 March 2015

Nursing Standard


I agree with guest editor Paul Jebb, NHS England’s experience of care professional lead, that it is important to obtain feedback from patients (Editorial and...

Selfless Ebola nurses deserve to have their own special award

20 May 2015

Nursing Standard


It is always a pleasure to read about those who enter the Nursing Standard Awards, and the inspiration and ideas they give to others (News, Features and Reflections...