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Safer surgeries

10 June 2003

Nursing Standard


IN ITS efforts to reduce violence against staff, the NHS has tended to overlook doctors and nurses working in the community. Millions have been spent on hiring...

Lines of defence

14 August 2002

Nursing Standard


FOR MANY NHS nurses the threat of violence from patients and visitors is an occupational hazard. When a drunk picks a fight in A&E or a distraught patient lashes out...

Hospital beat

19 June 2002

Nursing Standard


BRITAIN’S RAILWAYS, parks and harbours all have their own police service - so why not the NHS? This is a view held by a growing number of trust security man-‘ agers...

A sense of belongings

08 January 2003

Nursing Standard


COATS, CASH, credit cards. Whatever personal belongings you take with you into work, you need to take steps to keep them safe during your shift. Hospitals are as...

Safe as houses

28 July 2004

Nursing Standard

Clinical digest

PERSONAL SAFETY is a major concern for nurses living in hospital accommodation, especially as they often arrive home from working shifts late at night. Yet many...