Results 1 - 10 of 28 Search Tips

Education andtraining

01 June 1998

Elderly Care

Nursing practice briefing management

People who are sick, frailand elderly, and certainlythose who are vulnerable, puttheir trust in those who are caring for them. They trust thattheir carers are...

Established osteoporosis

01 April 1998

Elderly Care

Continue education

Aim and intended learning outcomes The aim of this article is to help nurses to understand the effects of osteoporosis on elderly people, enabling them to assess...

Leadership and Nursing: Part two: styles of leadership

01 May 1996

Nursing Management

General article

This second article, in a series which briefly examines the literature on nursing leadership, describes the shift in focus from leadership as demonstrated by a set...

Navigating the NHS: core issues for clinicians

01 October 1996

Nursing Management


This small, easy-to-read book should be required reading for all clinicians hoping to start, or continue, a career in today’s NHS. It offers a useful description of...

Future imperfect

01 January 1998

Nursing Management

Future imperfect

Considering the world wide trends in healthcare is an exercise which has occupied healthcare pundits and policy makers alike for many years. The drivers of change in...

Pointers to the future

01 February 1998

Nursing Management

Pointers to the future

Health authorities have a key role to play in creating the future by adapting to a more co-ordinating and challenging way of working. Their recently acquired roles...

Coping with job loss

01 February 1998

Nursing Management

General article

Job losses in the commercial sector during times of recession have become a fact of life. In the public sector we have witnessed the gradual erosion of the...

Public service private means

01 March 1996

Nursing Management

General article

PFI is the NHS abbreviation of the ’90s. It seems to be one of those sets of initials that leaps out at you from every professional journal you happen to pick up...

Survey on nursing supply and demand makes for bleak reading

01 November 1996

Nursing Management

News and analysis

A new survey published by the Institute for Employment Studies covering the supply and demand of registered nurses states that a quarter of respondents currently in...

Driving towards 1997

01 January 1997

Nursing Management


Buying a new car is a major investment and choosing the ideal is difficult enough if it is purely for social use. However, extra thought has to be given when tine...